There has been much conversation about the videos posted on YouTube with school children singing about President Obama. I have seen several of these videos, including the currently popular one filmed in New Jersey. Mmm...Mmm...Good! Barack Hussein Obama!
Several conservative talking heads have compared this to indoctrination of the Hitler Youth. I believe to make that weighty comparison accurate, the children would have to be taught through an organized cirriculum handed down from the administration itself. So, I completely dismiss that over-generalization.
However, it begs the question, did President Obama finally restore respect for the office of the President, or is Rock Star Obama the new American Idol accepting fan mail and idol worship? At what point does enthusiasm cross the line from respect to worship? Several of the lyrics from one song, I believe, crossed that line. "We are all equal in his sight", for example. Yet, there was another video that spoke about him being our 44th President, and how the kids want to get an education to become the President in 2048.
My Take: There are currently only a handful of these videos on YouTube, in different parts of the country. The parents of the children who attend these schools should be the only ones to get their parental panties in a twist. It is not educational material passed down from Lord Obama, it is over-enthusiastic teachers either encouraging respect for our President and our great nation, or singing praises to their new Prophet in Chief. And I would not be surprised if there were several classrooms across the country (particularly in Texas), who sang songs about President Bush following 9-11. Too bad YouTube wasn't around then!