Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Worship or Respect?

There has been much conversation about the videos posted on YouTube with school children singing about President Obama. I have seen several of these videos, including the currently popular one filmed in New Jersey. Mmm...Mmm...Good! Barack Hussein Obama!

Several conservative talking heads have compared this to indoctrination of the Hitler Youth. I believe to make that weighty comparison accurate, the children would have to be taught through an organized cirriculum handed down from the administration itself. So, I completely dismiss that over-generalization.

However, it begs the question, did President Obama finally restore respect for the office of the President, or is Rock Star Obama the new American Idol accepting fan mail and idol worship? At what point does enthusiasm cross the line from respect to worship? Several of the lyrics from one song, I believe, crossed that line. "We are all equal in his sight", for example. Yet, there was another video that spoke about him being our 44th President, and how the kids want to get an education to become the President in 2048.

My Take: There are currently only a handful of these videos on YouTube, in different parts of the country. The parents of the children who attend these schools should be the only ones to get their parental panties in a twist. It is not educational material passed down from Lord Obama, it is over-enthusiastic teachers either encouraging respect for our President and our great nation, or singing praises to their new Prophet in Chief. And I would not be surprised if there were several classrooms across the country (particularly in Texas), who sang songs about President Bush following 9-11. Too bad YouTube wasn't around then!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

ACORN Employment Application

1. Name:

2. Age:

3. Circle Political Party Affiliation
a. Democrat

4. Circle applicable work experience
a. Receptionist/Secretary
b. Telemarketor
c. Grave digger
d. Illegal immigrant transporter
e. Pimp
f. Accountant
g. Loan officer for Fannie/Freddie

5. Please check any of the following that would make you uncomfortable (if left blank, continue with application. If any are checked, discontinue application).
a. Spending your Saturday on a protesting bus tour of major corporations executives' homes.
b. Voter fraud
c. Breaking and entering
d. Smuggling underage El Salvadorian girls
e. Advising pimps on instituting prostitution ring
f. Legal counsel for "self-defense" murder

6. How do you accept payment:
a. Cash
b. Automatic deposit
c. A pack of cigs
d. Liquor
e. Dimes
f. ProstitutePal

This seems to be the only plausible application for ACORN considering all of the "isolated incidents". Either they have the most ridiculous hiring practices (as seen above!) or there is something more to their organization. I would like to believe the former, but with the mounting evidence to the contrary is making it seem unlikely.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Disagreement = Racism

"An overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he's African-American. And I think it's bubbled up to the surface because of a belief among many white people, not just in the South, but around the country, that African-Americans are not qualified to lead this great country. It's an abominable circumstance and grieves me and concerns me very deeply."

According to former President Jimmy Carter, those of us who disagree with President Obama's policies and have actively demonstrated our opinions, are only doing so because of the color of his skin. And not only that, taking it one step further, that we believe that any African-American could be qualified to lead this great country. Apparently, we can not debate the content of someone's positions without directly tying it to the color of the skin.

What about those who protested the Iraq War and had pictures of Condoleezza Rice or Colin Powell on their protest signs? Were they racist? Or those who plastered former President Bush's picture on protest signs with Hitler's mustache, were they labeled anti-Christian? Or those who disagree with Senator Joe Lieberman's policies, are they labeled anti-Semitic? Or those who didn't vote for Mitt Romney, are they labeled anti-Mormon?

It is a desperate attempt to scare those of us who are speaking out against his policies. No one wants to be labeled as hateful, bigotted or racist. And typically, when someone is labeled as such, they go above and beyond to prove otherwise. Not me. I am absolutely not a racist and I am disagreeing with President Obama and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid based solely on policy. And I believe that an absolute majority of Americans can agree to disagree without fabricating alterior motives, unlike politicians and news organizations on both sides.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Thanks for the bad rap

Dear South Carolina Representative Joe Wilson:

I wanted to send my deepest appreciation for your help in bringing us conservatives some positive media coverage. As you know the past few months the media and the administration has labeled the majority of us as being part of an "angry mob" with an inability to control our tempers, and we needed one such opportunity to clear our names and give us a fresh start.

I would also like to thank you for bringing some expression back into the perpetually tightened and botoxed face of Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. Vice President Joe Biden's hairplugs slightly moved as his brow furrowed. It is a relief to see that neither of them have been completely embalmed.

Again, thank you!
