Friday, March 26, 2010

Gun Care

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." ~ Second Amendment, U.S. Constitution

President Obama, who has typically voted for stricter gun control, is now pushing legislation to guarantee every American the equal access to a firearm. "Having greater access to affordable firearms should not be a right of the rich, or those who hunt, or those who thump their Bibles. It is an inalienable right and dream of every mom and dad, to be able to provide for their children." As a former constitutional professor, he understands that it only makes sense that if a right that is not guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution, for example health care, which is now available to almost every American, so should the rights that are expressly granted in the Constitution. "If we can grant assumed rights, such as health care, than how can we let the American people not have access to the rights expressed in the Constitution? We can't! No we can't!"

For the first time since President Obama has landed on the national stage, he has the full support of gun rights organizations as the NRA, Gun Owners of America, and People's Right Organization. The current NRA President, Ron Schmeits, happily endorses this legislation. A bewildered gun control left is speechless, and is taking some time to prepare a response.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dr. Obama

While the wacko birthers were scavaging every dark corner in President Barack Obama's skeleton closet for the missing birth certificate, they missed one major document! His MD Certificate! He graduated from the Barack School of Medicine, also known as the B.S.M.D. Thank goodness for his background in medicine, because he has an insiders understanding of how the business works. How doctors lose money with every Medicare patient they take on. How liability insurance is one of their major expenses. How they are afraid of not administering every test possible to avoid law suit. How since the creation of Medicaid and Medicaid, medical costs per individual has almost tripled every decade, when years before it was on a slower increase. How doctors go to a decade of schooling to learn that they can make money by unecessarily amputating a diabetics foot, or a child's tonsils.

Thank goodness he knows emergency first aid, because at almost every single rally or speech he gives, someone faints. I will conceed that he is one of the most handsome Presidents, but come on people! But Dr. Obama comes to the rescue, prescribes "more room" and "take in some deep breaths" and "maybe give them some water, STAT!" What would we do with his "common sense solutions" to not only our health while attending a rally, but for the entire medical industry! And in his most recent campaign speech today in Iowa, Dr. Obama simply said that this legislation "paves the way to universal health care". All of the talk that his isn't a "government takeover" is accurate. But it is, as Dr. Obama has said along with every other democratic leader, that this paves the way or opens the door to universal health care, which is a government take over. Our country was based on free market principles, with necessary regulations from the government. This piece of legislation moves us further away from those principles than any other since the Great Society.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Good Protest versus Bad Protest

Tea Party has become synonymous with bigot, racist, hate, violent, and the likes. This past rally in Washington DC, on the eve of health care reform, didn't help our cause. There were reports of racial slurs directed at Civil Rights activist and now congressman John Lewis, homophobic insult at the outed Barney Frank, and some outrageous protester spit in Congressman Emanuel Cleaver's face. This is despicable and inexcusable behavior. Many of the attendees near the incidences, including William Owens, a black Tea Party activist from Nevada, said that in the case of Rep. Lewis, he didn't hear any racial slurs or shouts. And those surrounding the Barney Frank incident, recalled the representative walking directly over to the "protester" who had only approached minutes before Franks arrival, directed an expletive at him, and he responded with his derogatory comeback. Regardless of the claims, I will always be against using profanities or slurs and violence in place of an honest and factually sound argument. Now, the latest "Breaking News" is that Reps. Stupak and Slaughter have reportedly received death threats.

We are currently in such a volatile political environment, and ignorant outraged extremists are giving the constitutionally sound and majority driven cause a dangerously bad rap. And I believe that those in power are exploiting these typically sensitive topics to further their cause. To make those who honestly oppose this administrations efforts to expand the scope and depth of the federal government afraid of voicing their dissent, in fear of being labeled racist, violent or bigots. My fear is that isolated incidents of radical measures, like those being covered, will be accepted as typical and discredit any valid arguments opposition has to offer. We do not need to resort to violence because are educated, law-abiding, freedom relishing citizens. We uphold our laws, especially the highest law of the land, the Constitution. I pray that this is the last we hear of such violence and that the coverage received doesn't encourage those seeking publicity to use similar extreme measures. We need to fight this in the courts, on the floors of the Capitol and at our local level.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Oh, no they didn't!

Yes, they did. The House passed the Senate's version of health care reform. There is so much to cover, and so much to digest. They didn't listen, and I pray that the American people who are outraged now, don't forget by the time November rolls around. Thomas Jefferson, sums up my conservative view with our government:
A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I must be special!

I just received an e-mail from President Barack Obama! He referred to me as his "friend"! He also included a link to his campaign website, which has been fundamentally transformed to aid in the "final march for reform", health care reform that is. I can either call, write, attend or share. I intend on using all of the options given to get my voice heard.

What I found extremely patronizing is that when you select the "write" option, after you fill in information to locate your district, it brings up an automated e-mail to send to your representative. It reads:

I'm writing to let you know that I support health insurance reform, and I hope you will reconsider your opposition.
I don't support favoring big insurance companies over the American people, and I'm not alone -- voters in our state have pledged thousands of volunteer hours to fight for candidates who support reform.
Your constituents are counting on you to place our well-being over partisan game-playing. Please support reform.
Thank you.

Just because majority of the representatives who are voting in favor of either the House or Senate bills don't read their legislation, doesn't mean that their constituents don't know how to write an e-mail articulating their opinions! How simple minded do they believe the American public is? The website suggested "personalizing the sample letter". Here was my amended letter to Rep. Mary Fallin of the U.S. House of Representatives:

I'm [RE]-writing [THIS MASS E-MAIL FROM THE PRESIDENT'S WEBSITE] to let you know that I support [YOU IN THE FIGHT AGAINST THE PRESIDENT'S] health insurance reform, and I hope you will [STAND TRUE TO YOUR PRINCIPLES AND NEVER] reconsider your opposition.
I don't support favoring big [GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS OVER] insurance companies [ESPECIALLY WHEN IT WILL] over [TAX] the American people, and I'm not alone -- voters in our state have pledged thousands of volunteer hours to fight for candidates who [REFUSE TO] support [THIS KIND OF] reform.
Your constituents are counting on you to place our well-being over partisan game-playing. [DO NOT PLAY THE DIRTY POLITICS OF THIS NEW ADMINISTRATION]. Please support [GOVERNMENT] reform. I KNOW I WILL IN NOVEMBER AND ALSO 2012.

I highly suggest you also use the President's website to let your voice be heard about the business being conducted in Washington, D.C. Does anyone else find this type of efficient organization for campaigning post-campaign a little big-brother-esque? For this much calculated effort to be in place and still have the American people (who voted him into office) be against the health care reform bill speaks volumes of the 180 degree turn around that has occured. No matter how much calculated effort, or stump speeches you make, or easy to use spoon fed websites you create, WE WILL NOT SUPPORT THIS. Listen to the American people!