Friday, August 27, 2010

How dare he! (Gasp!)

If there is a time to be incensed by the actions of the radio show commentator, Glenn Beck, this is the weekend! The political propagandist is flaring his extremist muscles, correction flab, in creating, promoting and eventually destroying our country with his "Restoring Honor" rally. If the name isn't inflammatory enough, the date of the event, August 28, 2010 will send you overboard. August 28, 2010? The date of the "I Had a Dream" speech, by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. This speech occurred in the same location, same date, 47 years earlier. How dare Glenn Beck taint this date with his ketchup and cheese fries covered fingers! Doesn't he know he's a white conservative and can't possibly appreciate Dr. King, the civil rights movement, or patriotic actions by brave historical leaders?

What is this rally, you may ask? Tea Party? No. Political driven freak show? No. According to the website, "come celebrate America by honoring our heroes, our heritage and our future." Celebrate America? How can you do that without being a right wing extremist nut? Not possible. Fund raising for our troops? This must be a cover for the underground fundraising for Palin 2012. And what kind of title is "Restoring Honor". Honor is an antiquated tradition of our foundin father's who are outdated, old fashioned, and racist. This is apparently another attempt at Beck to brainwash his followers, if anyone even attends, into his pro-America, capitalist, freedom loving mentality. And I for one, must take a stance against it. How dare he.