Oh. My. Goodness.
Someone a part of the "mainstream media", Mr. Donald Trump, proudly exclaimed he wants President Obama to provide his birth certificate while visiting the ladies at The View. He received some shrill responses from the co-hosts. A question regarding a President Obama's birth certificate is frequently asked of most conservative or Republican political figures while visiting news media shows. Why is this? Who cares? Does it matter?
I will put my opinion out there into the internet void of the blogosphere!
Is President Obama a citizen of the United States? Yes! I believe he most definitely is.
Does it matter? It absolutely matters that he is a citizen, because it is one of the very few criteria that is constitutionally set forth for the President of the United States.
WHY hasn't an original or long form Hawaii birth certificate for President Obama been released and circulated? It is a political ploy on both sides. The liberal side continually asks conservative politicians whether or not they believe the President is a citizen to distract from credible issues. The conservative side could use this as a fiery motive to unite the base. But to the important question, WHY hasn't the original been released? I would like to politically hypothesize that the Obama camp is holding on to this until the 2012 Presidential Campaign. And in the middle of the campaign cycle and mud slinging, the original or long form that does exist, will surface. Then the fact that the birthers were wrong, will be used to make an argument against every claim that the Republican candidates will make. I can see the stump speeches now, "They were wrong about me being a citizen of this great nation. They were wrong about my heritage. What else are they wrong about???" Who else is with me? Brilliant political strategery right? Until then, we will just have to continue to suffer through the constant questioning of Republicans and annoying birthers claims.