Monday, July 27, 2009

Superman's Kryptonite?

President Obama is trying to make good on his campaign promise of reforming health care. But the once invincible and fearless super hero might have found his kryptonite. I can't tell if it is specifically the health care legislation, or if it is too much too soon. Too much spending too soon. Too much transformative legislation too soon. But either way, President Obama's support is slipping.
Depending on which poll you look at, his approval numbers are slipping. In a CNN poll, over 41,000 people voted on the question "Would you be willing to pay more in taxes for the promise of reducing your health care costs? " I was shocked to see that 70% of those polled said "No". There was also a fabulous article written by CNN Money's Editor at Large wrote an article, "You'll lose 5 Key Freedoms in Health Care Reform". Here is the article. He discusses both the House and Senate bills, and how the fine print contradicts the promises President Obama is making in the press. I would expect an article like this on FoxNews' website, but CNN? Never! It has been interesting to watch the democratic leaders in the House and Senate, slowly put on the breaks to this massive health care overhaul in response to the voting public's hesitations. Especially, not meeting the President's deadline. Will this actually pass? Who knows at this point. But I think President Obama has finally hit his first major speed bump of his Presidency.

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