While the wacko birthers were scavaging every dark corner in President Barack Obama's skeleton closet for the missing birth certificate, they missed one major document! His MD Certificate! He graduated from the Barack School of Medicine, also known as the B.S.M.D. Thank goodness for his background in medicine, because he has an insiders understanding of how the business works. How doctors lose money with every Medicare patient they take on. How liability insurance is one of their major expenses. How they are afraid of not administering every test possible to avoid law suit. How since the creation of Medicaid and Medicaid, medical costs per individual has almost tripled every decade, when years before it was on a slower increase. How doctors go to a decade of schooling to learn that they can make money by unecessarily amputating a diabetics foot, or a child's tonsils.
Thank goodness he knows emergency first aid, because at almost every single rally or speech he gives, someone faints. I will conceed that he is one of the most handsome Presidents, but come on people! But Dr. Obama comes to the rescue, prescribes "more room" and "take in some deep breaths" and "maybe give them some water, STAT!" What would we do with his "common sense solutions" to not only our health while attending a rally, but for the entire medical industry! And in his most recent campaign speech today in Iowa, Dr. Obama simply said that this legislation "paves the way to universal health care". All of the talk that his isn't a "government takeover" is accurate. But it is, as Dr. Obama has said along with every other democratic leader, that this paves the way or opens the door to universal health care, which is a government take over. Our country was based on free market principles, with necessary regulations from the government. This piece of legislation moves us further away from those principles than any other since the Great Society.
1 comment:
As the wife of a soon to be dental graduate (yet continuing student of dental medicine) I am frustrated that he has not decreased student loan interest rates and even would like to see them go higher. He would also like to decrease the time one has to pay back said loans. So many people are under the delusion that health care professionals simple prance gloriously through med/dent school and then start rolling in the dough. They have no understanding that dental school has doubled in the last decade. I recently spoke with a man who told me I was ridiculous because he knows for a fact that you only have to pay out of state tuition for one year then you get in state tuition after that. HA!!! I wish. Yes, some schools offer that, but ours does not. Another thing the schools do: they say, "Our tuition is only $45,000/year." They do not include the mandatory insurance (several thousand a year) or the lab fees, instrument fees, cleaning fees, etc that (at least at our school) add up to an additional $8,000/year. Our school has increased tuition by 10% the first two years, then 8% the last two. It's outrageous! We will be graduating with over $300,000 of debt and we still have ortho to pay our way through (no it is not like a medical residency, it is still school, complete with tuition and fees). School is no cake walk, and I say anyone who does get through it has the right to charge what they want (just like every other industry). If others think being in the medical field is so glamorous why don't they go through grueling years of school, putting their lives on hold, learning the lovely intricacies of trying to keep people alive and well who voluntarily choose to live unhealthy lives but expect someone else to "fix them." Yes, there are corrupt medical professionals, just like there are corrupt plumbers, lawyers, car salesmen, dare I say politicians (you get the picture). I hope that eventually we will pay off our debt. I know most do within ten years to fifteen years time. This pay back time is steadily increasing (as is tuition) however. Most students are now taking out a thirty year loan repayment plan (which in our case would mean we would pay back more than $800,00 by the end of thirty years - not including what we will accrue in debt in ortho). But it is so comforting to know that all this hard work is going to pay off. My husband and other professionals will use their vast knowledge gained over tedious years of study and performing even more tedious tests and care to improve health and help others right? No! Our government will now tell them what is and isn't necessary (just like the insurance companies, only now they will slap on fines and more fees!) And one more thing about government healthcare. My children and I are on Medicaid during my husbands school. I hate it! Basically people will be insured, but getting care will be a different story. No one takes new medicaid members, urgent cares won't take them before a certain time, and try getting to a specialist when no one takes it. Do I blame them for not taking it? No. But what a way to try and get care. When I am not pregnant, I simply pay out of pocket, and if we weren't living on such a limited income (with no hopes of getting any more) I would do that for my children. Trusting one's health to the government is no way to get good, or even decent care.
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