Wednesday, November 3, 2010


A historic election on local and national levels. Here in my neck of the woods, Oklahoma, our state elected a woman for the first time as Governor. Mary Fallin, a former U.S. Representative, handily won the Governor's seat. Republicans swept almost every single state elected office. Nationally, the Republicans won back the House of Representatives, taking over at least 60 seats! Not since Herbert Hoover has a political party picked up 60 seats in a mid term election. This is bigger than the "Contract for America" election of 1994. Another story worth recognition, is the election of two black Republican representatives to the U.S. House. This is the first time in seven years that the Republican Party has been represented by black Representatives.

What does this mean? Looking from state elections, to state questions that were proposed, the Conservative values were upheld almost every single time. Oklahoma resolutely voted against Obama care with state question 756. California struck down legalizing marijuana. Iowa voted out three Supreme Court Justices who upheld same sex marriage. At every level, Conservatism won. This was absolutely a referendum on President Obama, but beyond him, the progressive agenda that has had control of our country since 2006.

So, now what? Repeal, repeal, REPEAL! Most of the Republicans ran on the platform of repealing the Health Care legislation, extending or re-instituting the Bush tax cuts, balancing the budget, etc. I want to hold their elephant feet to the fire, and if they don't follow through, they are out in the next round of elections. I truly believe that whether or not President Obama is re-elected depends on the Republican's next 2 years in power. If they show the same embarrassing display of ethics and greed, President Obama will have the fuel to be re-elected. However, if they deliver on what they promised of smaller government, fiscally responsible congress, being responsive to their constituents, the conservative movement will continue to take over, and President Obama will be voted out. The 2012 election will be ours to lose.

Some expressed worry, or frustration that the conservative movement does not have a national leader. Some may signify Sarah Palin, or Glenn Beck, or Rush Limbaugh, but they did not organize the tea parties. They did not organize the massive attendance at the town hall meetings. And instead of sharing the concern of others over the lack of a national leader, I relish in it. Having your "hope and change" pinned on one person, you will always lose. One person is fallible. If they make mistakes (which they will) or push it too far (which power drives them too) or fall short (expectations too high), then the movement loses steam and eventually gets derailed. However, if like the current conservative movement, there is no face to place blame, no "Messiah" to worship and follow, no greedy politician, the chance of it being derailed is slim. When the people are the movement, the movement will succeed. Because all of our hopes and dreams for the 2010 mid-term elections were NOT pinned on Sharon Angle or Christine O'Donnell or Carly Fiorina or Meg Whitman, then when they lost, we didn't lose with them. I pray that those elected into this congressional session will listen to their constituents and move forward with the conservative agenda.


jeanine said...

After the elections last night I feel so hopeful that this country can get back on track. I pray that those elected will help us head in the right direction.

srbushman said...

I am hopeful. However, fearful of what the "lame duck" congress will try to push through. And I really believe that these new Republicans will set the stage for the 2012 Presidential elections. If they suck, Pres. Obama's re-elected. If they do what they promised, without any embarrassing adultery skeletons in the closet or ethical/tax violations, we can reclaim the Presidency.
There is A LOT of pressure on these freshmen congressmen and senators.