Yes, he did. We are part of history, and it is a proud moment for the United States. It is proof of the progress our nation has made during it's short history. It is proof that the large majority of the people are color-blind. It is proof that
by hard work you can achieve anything. In response to the greatness of his call, and the steep hill he will have to climb to accomplish the change he's promised, I would like to respond with the timeless creed that 48% of the population shares:
We will see. Lowered taxes for 95% of the population:
we will see. Affordable health care for all:
we will see. Ending the war in Iraq:
we will see. Affordable college education:
we will see. New forms of energy:
we will see. Fixing Wall Street and Main Street:
we will see. He will listen to those who disagree:
we will see. He will be
my President too:
we will see. By all accounts, this is the worst time to step into a Presidency. He does indeed have a steep hill to climb, but most of the "Hill" is on his side. My hope is that he will not be considered the 'most liberal President', just as he has been considered the 'most liberal Senator'. My hope is that he recognizes less than half of the country is still concerned about the changes he promised to make, and he leads from the center. The country was established on compromise and finding a middle ground. I pray for him, and his family, and those who will advise him. Our country is no doubt at a cross-roads, and I pray that we will become united without a crisis and he will be a leader for
all the citizens of the United States of America.
We will see.
I like your post "We will see". I believe that Obama has thrown a lot of promises out there that never will be fullfilled, but he'll at least get a few of them done, but I guess we will see. Plus he has Oprah on his side so she can easily take over this nation with the switch of a remote and a quick exchange of her millions. Maybe she can be second lady of the white house.
Yes, we will see. And hopefully some of those things he's promised to do DON'T get done. I thought I was going to be sick last night when I saw the results.
I thought McCain gave a really great speech after it was decided. He was humble, thoughtful, unrehearsed and inspiring. I would've liked to see more of that during his campaign. Might've been a different outcome otherwise.
Great post. I *snort* at Stacey's comment about Oprah being second was so funny I actually snorted. And I'm with Jeanine, I DID get sick last night. Our Senate race is unbelievable. Franken?!? Yes, seriously, Minnesota came within 541 votes of having Franken as our Senator. 541 votes! Wasn't Jesse Ventura enough? Our state bird is the Loon. Some of these people take it to a whole new level. (Lunatics. I call 'em)
ps. If I couldn't celebrate our new president at least I COULD celebrate the fact that prop 8 passed in CA. YEA!
Congratulations to those who voted for Barak Obama. They have great reason to celebrate.
My candidate didn't win. However, I am grateful to know that Prop 8 passed in California. I have friends who live in California and they really went through the ringer. They have be tested and tried as memebers of the church. I saw a photo of a crowd of people holding up signs that said "Yes on 8". I couldn't help but be moved and grateful. I know there were many LDS members who were out there leading the fight. I think about how we as members will be a beacon of light in dark times. I know that as this country faces further attacks on moral issues, we will be called forth and our voices will be heard.
Yes, we will see. I have very jumbled, mixed and emotional feelings about Obama's election. I am elated regarding race relations. What an amazing example, especially for young black boys, to see there virtually are no limitations. And with this amazing influence he has, I worry he will take our country to the extreme left. There are many issues and positions he has taken that I strongly oppose. So it is a waiting game to see where he will take us.
On a similar note, I received a forwarded text message from someone who wrote: "Obama got elected tonight. Everyone wear black for the death of our nation tomorrow. Pass it on and don't forget!" This makes me so ANGRY! If someone believes that this is the 'death of our nation' than they don't understand the greatness of the American possibility. How dare you spread the viciousness that suggests that one man can cause the death of the nation. Sure I am mourning John McCain's loss, but I am outraged that people are so narrowminded and naive. Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest.
I'm so glad to hear that California voted yes to Prop 8, but I have a question. Didn't they vote this once before and some judges ruled in favor of gay marriages and that's why Ellen and others got married over the summer? So why did they vote again and will this just be a vicious cycle? How many times are we going to have to so NO to same-sex unions? How many times do we have to say MARRIAGE is between a MAN and a WOMAN? Please don't think that I'm againest people who chose to be gay, I'm not and they should be able to leave their inheritance to whomever they wish, but It bothers me that this issue keeps coming up and coming up and coming up. Again I ask how Many times do we have to say NO!? Anyone?
Happy post election day. It wasn't the outcome I wanted but I thought that John McCain gave a great speech and I have to say it......I hope it is NOT the last we see of Sarah Palin. I like this gal through and through and I hope that this is not the end of her national political aspirations.
I do pray for Obama and hope with all my heart that he will govern from the center....more than anything I hope that Nancy Pelosi and the democrats will do right by us also. (us meaning americans).
On Prop 8 I am thrilled but afraid as Sara@Butterville said that this is just a temporary fix and they will not stop with this election. This issue is not over. It is a good day when the majority said YES but it was a small majority.
Well, the election has come and gone. A relief, I think, even though it didn't go the way I hoped it would. I think Obama has potential, though, if he is wise enough to surround himself with good people from all parties. I remember a lesson as a child along the lines of "Never make a promise you can't keep." We will see indeed.
As for prop. 8 in California. So happy that it has passed, but I do expect this fight to continue. This issue has been voted on before, years ago, and here we are again. Honestly, I believe we're in the "last days" and that these sorts of fights will be sort of continuous. We just have to keep fighting.
Sarah, I got clarification on Prop 8. Since it's an ammendment to the California Constitution it cannot be overturned, even by the courts. It was never an ammendment before, it was just a law. There is only one exception to it being overturned, it is if the surpeme court finds that the California Constitution is deemed unconstitutional which is higly unlikely. So this is a very BIG BIG BIG win for California. You'd better believe that this isn't over for the rest of the states.
Jen, thanks for the that makes me happy. That was a HUGE win.
Thanks Jen. I'm sitting here biting my nails trying to figure it all out. Hopefully nobody on the surpreme court dies or retires and gets replaced by ones who would over turn it. I do think that it wouldn't pass here in MN. We had a vote to see if we could have it on the ballot and that failed. So no vote on an amendment here. Did you see Nancy Peloci is rambling about pushing through stem cell research, child health care and an economic stimulus package before Obama takes office?
Can I have an opinion that I think she's crazy? If not, feel free to delete me. But she's crazy.
We all have a lot to be thankful for. I agree that McCain's speach was inspiring despite the situation and I too wish I could have seen more words like that from him. He left on a great note. I'm thankful Prop. 8 passed and that those traditions and priviledges of a marriage belong to a man and a woman. The start to a great nation is in the home and that is something I am going to work extra hard at despite the outside struggles that I have with the outcome of this election. Thank goodness for chocolate.
Jen, thanks for clarifying. I was in the middle of typing a response when my son turned off the computer and then our power went out. So yes, prop 8 made the definition of marriage part of the CA state constitution. This is such a HUGE win for them. My parents live out there and have been working SO hard (along with thousands of others) knocking doors, making phone calls, sending flyers, etc--in the face of enormous persecution (verbal abuse, vandalism, etc). Thank goodness it passed.
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