WARNING! This post may contain insane rantings of a biologically uneducated mom. Proceed at your own risk.The sun may have an effect on our climate. Shocking, I know. Disturbing, I understand. Stop hyperventilating, let me explain. The sun, the ultimate source of light and heat for our solar system, also has cycles and systems and 'climate changes'. These changes can in turn effect our cycles, temperatures, and 'climate changes'. Many aspects of the sun may effect these changes such as sunspots, solar winds, solar magnetic fields. The solar output is considered one of the extraterrestrial factors that effects 'global warming'. Now, I am not talking about E.T.-phone-home, it is referring to outside-earth-contributors. Others listed were variations in the Earth's orbital characteristics, and interstellar dust. There are also a variety of internal factors, such as: volcanic emissions, continental drift, atmosphere/ocean heat exchange, surface reflectivity, atmospheric chemistry-including the fabulously trendy carbon dioxide variations.
Before you discount me as a lunatic and burn me at the stake, (which would be bad for our environment), let me assure you I am not attempting to single-handedly discredit Al Gore after the debate is obviously over regarding global warming. I am humbly, and merely suggesting there are more causes for the cyclical changes of our earth. And that the human contribution to these astronomical events is most likely minimal. Why on earth would we assume we have the absolute power of controlling the temperatures, tide levels, ice caps, etc? However, I do believe in doing our parts to keep our earth clean, minimize pollution of air, water, and land. As it has been mentioned before, we are stewards of this earth, and will be held responsible for our actions.
I have my own issues with the idea of global warming. I pretty much think it's blown WAY out of proportion. The thing that disturbs me the most is that if you are a scientist and you have an opposing view you are pretty much cut off at the knees. As if an opposing view is some horrible thing. I'm telling you, we are quickly losing our country to the extremists!
Yes, taking care of our planet is definitely extreme.
Please don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say anything about the fact that we shouldn't take care of our planet. I was making the point that the idea of global warming raises a lot of questions and that scientists w/opposing views are often discredited. I've never told you this before, but I grew up in a house with solar panels on the roof. I believe we should take care of our planet.
"We are quickly losing our country to the extremists" is what you said. Are you referring to the scientists or the people that believe them? I didn't mean to put words in your mouth. But that's what it sounded like to me.
If you think global warming is being blown out of proportion, then you must believe it's not happening? Or it's just happening naturally from sun spots, and thereby we shouldn't take steps to reduce our emissions, etc?
I just don't get it.
Lula, I commented on your blog. I gave a greater explanation there.
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