Monday, July 2, 2012

Don't Buy Stuff You Can Not Afford

I've officially joined Twitter. I had joined about two years ago, but did nothing with it till #SCOTUS upheld #obamacare. And now I'm a little #addicted. #ifyoucouldnttell.  Nevertheless, I follow @BarackObama to keep up with his @truthteam2012. 11 hours ago, the President tweeted this twitpic. (And we wonder why journalism has deteriorated? Possibly it is because our journalists use more symbols than letters, and can only produce thoughts of 140 characters or less. But I digress...) This twitpic could be used by the @MittRomney campaign to characterize the #commonsense discrepency between our current President @BarackObama, and the candidate who will be elected
November 6, 2012, @MittRomney.

As a fan of @SaturdayNightLive, it made me immediately think of the brilliant skit including the fantastic @SteveMartin: #dontbuystuffyoucantafford. A few of the classic lines are:

Wife: Let me see that... [grabs book, reads] "If you don't have any money, you should not buy anything." Hmm, sounds interesting

Husband: Sounds confusing.

Wife: I don't know honey, this makes a lot of sense. There's a whole section here on how to buy expensive things using money you save.

Husband: Give me that... [grabs book, looks at it] And where would you get this saved money?

Spokesman: I tell you where and how in Chapter 3.

Wife: Ok, so what if I want something but I dont' have any money Spokesman: You don't buy it.

Common Sense at its finest. Even SNL gets it.

I'm not buying another 4 years of President Obama in November 2012. I know we can't afford it.



jeanine said...

Amen to that! Rich and I saw that SNL skit when it aired originally... and we were busting up. I love to see it pop up now and again :)

Cassanova said...
