Politics is a pure power struggle. The founder's attempted to prevent this by creating three branches of government, fearing an over reaching federal government. With every new President, Congress, and Supreme Court Justice, the powers of the federal government have expanded. Each side of the aisle cherry picks what kind of national power is acceptable, then criticizes their oppositions selection of approved federal power.
Conservatives, or the "small government" side of the political game, claim to abhor a strong national government. However, when it comes to defense or social issues, they expect the federal government to have a strong hand. During the Bush Administration, several weeks after 9-11 the Patriot Act was passed with a high bi-partisan vote. Yet, many on the left later criticized how much invasive power that gave the evil feds. "You can't listen to my phone calls if I'm a possible terrorist without a warrant!" In regards to the "right to privacy", what happens behind closed doors, the left is strongly opposed to a big bad KGB-esque national government.
Liberals, or the generous "large government" of the political game, claim to desire national intervention in their lives. It is the national government's role to be the great equalizer. They should have the authority to provide health care, child care, regulate your personal energy usage, to name a few. The government should step in when we can't provide for ourselves. Yet, many on the right criticize this philosophy, arguing that gives the national government too much power within the economy and within our own lives. As long as the aspect of health care doesn't involve your reproductive organs or sexual orientation.
In reality, both parties want to give the federal government power, but only in the areas they deem appropriate. With President Obama in the White House, he is pushing forward a liberal agenda, creating an uproar from the right. Which is the exact same situation when President Bush was in office. So here is my question, how can any of us on either side be not understanding of the other party, when we are guilty of the same thing in different respects. We are told by our representatives or outspoken critics that we are the only ones who are in the right, that the other party is demanding too much. The conservatives demand too much regarding national defense, and the right to privacy. The liberals demand too much in providing the "necessities", and regulating the economy. Both are guilty of what they are accusing the other of. I am just tired of the finger pointing and power grabs from both sides.
I have found, in my circle, that the conservative base is very frustrated with the Republican Party for this very reason. I know that I am very dissatisfied with all of the spending from both parties and I know that I am not alone. When I talk to people now and they ask me where I fit politically, I just say that I am for neither party and that I am for the Constitution.
Brigham Young said:
We are fast approaching that moment prophesied by Joseph Smith when he said: 'Even this nation will be on the very verge of crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground, and when the Constitution is upon the brink of ruin, this people will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean, and they shall bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction.'
I have completely stepped back from any political affiliation and I am focusing on scripture to guide me. I have no doubt that the Constitution is what is intended for us to live by and there is absolutely no reason for us to sway or move from it. So I am personally speaking in defense of the Constitution when I have debates and discussions with people. We are living in a country that is putting forth legislation, law, ideas that are completely unconstitutional. It is as if it is nothing more than a piece of paper. There is no double-check anymore, politicians just do what they want and it is completely disrespectful.
Understanding of both parties? No. Disgusted with both parties? Yes. Just because both sides are doing it doesn't make it okay, it makes them both wrong. I feel nothing will ever change as long as we have a two-party system. It is frustrating when you feel like you have to vote for the "least worst" instead of somebody who truly represents the values and interests of the people. The days of honest politicians and presidents/presidential campaigns run with integrity were lost by our 3rd president. I feel like most politicians who make it very far are completely self-serving.
See! I knew we could come together on something! Its tragic that the common ground is how frustrated we are with our representatives. But at least all of us can recognize that both sides are guilty.
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