Why is it that in the Democratic press conference, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank and others blame the 133 Republicans who voted against the Bail Out Bill, when 95 democrats also voted against it? They blame a dozen or so Republicans who were allegedly offended by Pelosi's typical anti-Bush comments for making an emotionally charged vote. Why didn't their party rally behind their fearless leaders? Why wasn't it a major sweep for the democratic party? If it is the Savior Bill that they are touting, why wouldn't they get behind it? And if it passed and was successful, it would validate their competency and judgement over those of the republicans. And is it insane to anyone else that the democrats are falling in line behind the Bush Administration? "Failed policies of the Bush administration"?!?!?!? Why on earth are they trusting his judgement now? I will give you the answer to that last question. It is because this $700 billion bill would give the federal government a socialist power over our "free market system". This opens the door for future socialist programs. The banking system fails now, the federal government buys it for $700 billion. Somewhere in the future, if the health insurance industry starts to fail, the path has been paved for the federal government to buy it out. Outcome, socialized medicine. This has nothing to do with the economy. It is against their religion to throw billions of dollars at big businesses. I believe that those extreme left democrats were only behind this because of future implications, and the power that they would receive. I want to hear from the 95 democrats who voted against this, see what their hesitations were. Do you think we'll hear from them? As we speak they are being taken out behind the capital, blind folded, and read their last rights. Is our country awaiting the financial executioner? I do not believe so. But we are not in a position to play the blame game.
I am more baffeled then ever. I, too, thought it was a forgone conclusion that the bill would pass. Bail OUT. What does this all mean? Not what does it mean. What does this MEAN for me, MY family. Middle America. You know, pay-check to pay-check? Maybe I need to take some more Econ and poli-Sci classes. I've got dumb brain.
Sarah, I have been speechless as I have watched the events of the day. It has been total turmoil and I feel sick to my stomach. I am so happy it didn't pass yet I wonder if they will be able to come together and come up with some kind of solution to this mess we are in. I literally laughed out loud when Nancy Pelosi said that the republicans were the problem. It says a lot about her leadership that she wasn't able to rally her party to seal the deal. She didn't need any Republicans to get it done but she would never admit that. I have been in deep thought all day about what is ahead for our country.
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