Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Broken Record

Have you heard the following lately?

"I said, 'Thanks, but no thanks' to the good ol' boys"

"The bad policies of the Bush Administration"

"That is when I learned to put 'Country First"

Are the political writers on strike this fall?

Last year it was the Writers Guild. This year, it has to be the Political Writers Guild. Or does it cost the candidates per speech, they want to get their money's worth? And yes, Man with the Bull Horn, it is very 'unfunny'. The country is in an 'unfunny' situation. The economy is 'unfunny'. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are 'unfunny'. How we take care of our veterans is 'unfunny'. How much the government spends is 'unfunny'. The same rhetoric and smears is very 'unfunny'. The silver lining to all of the unfunniness, is how chaos and frustration creates beauties such as this:

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1 comment:

Bray said...

Oh my goodness, I so agree. I almost can't hear either party give a speech anymore becasue I know what the talking points will be before they begin and they just can't seem to construct any new one liners.
Do they think we are slow?