The election is nearing and I am dumbfounded as to what could happen. If you are listening to the media Obama is our next president. This is what confuses me. I have been reading voraciously all I can about this man. I have read all he has to say and have considered his allegiances and friends and tried to be open minded and not judge based on wild claims and far right accusations.
I have noticed something about the discourse amongst voters and it is this. McCain followers seem to be cautious about his ability to fix all the problems but they have shared a genuine outline as to why they feel he is the best choice. Specifics are given as to what they feel he will do how he will lead and his basic philosopies. They are also honest about what they feel he can't or won't do. Obama followers seem to like him and feel like he is inspiring and gives good speeches and will bring about CHANGE. I have yet to read a blog or article that truly outlines what he will do that doesn't just go on and on about George Bush and the mess he has made. It is only "He will bring about Change Change change". What is this change and really will it be good for the country. In one comment made on an earlier post the commenter said that she hopes that when Obama gets in he will govern from the center. That is a confirmation to me that even that person knows that he is very very far left and just hopes that he will reign himself in. What if he doesn't reign himself in? What if he seats far left judges that make gay marriage legal nationwide, reinstates the fairness doctrine and changes the second amendment to be restrictive to the extreme....all Democrat philosophies. I just can't fathom voting on that pretense.....this is our country. I reiterate. I wish I could go back in time and have Hillary be the democrat nominee, I would take her right now happily. She and her husband have been oddly low key in their support for him.....I think that even they are not 100% on board.
I am extremely concerned, as an avid constitutionalist, about his philosophy. Today when I read his quote regarding bankrupting the coal industry and then read how he is is firmly in favor of NO on proposition 8 I am again at a loss as to why this man is being followed so religiously. He says he is against gay marriage but this stance does not support what he says. I find this on so many of the issues. What will this change he promises be? What is in his background or record that supports this change he offers. There just seems to be no substance to these change claims other than he is so charismatic, well spoken, cool calm and collected.
Give me the substance, show me what he has ever done that backs up his claims. Show me that he is a man who will fight tooth and nail to protect the constitution, freedom of speech, the right to bear arms and marriage. I just can't find it, not in his track record, his voting record, his friends philosophies or what he says (constantly).
Even a democrat senator and Obama supporter said this week that Obama has no political courage. Well, lets hope he finds that at somepoint down the line.
Usually when one quotes someone, they include what was actually written, not something generalized and contained within quotations to serve some vague untruthful purpose that suits a specific agenda. You like to talk about other people's lack of facts, when the few you provide aren't accurate. Let's talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
Lula, honestly didn't realize I put quotes around it until I read your comment, It was inadvertent as I knew I wasn't quoting you exactly. It was an accurate premise said that you hope he learns from Clinton's mistakes and moves center.
You do not address anything else in the post but some misplaced quotations. I would honestly like to know. I am not being combative I know that you are smart, thoughtful and have strong reasons as to why he is the best choice I am just aking you to help me see those. Thus far no one has outlined it for me. Thanks
I don't understand what you need outlined. It doesn't matter what I say. You assume that I will blindly vote for Obama without knowing any facts. Like it's some whim or something. I'm a fourth generation Democrat. These philosophies of mine have been long ago adopted.
You claim to be a constitutionalist and feel those very papers are threatened if Obama's elected. I'm an environmentalist- by profession and philosophy, and I feel the very ground we call Earth will be threatened if a McCain/Palin ticket is elected.
I agree with Obama on Iraq, a war he voted against from the beginning, on energy, less drilling more alternative, and I've already made myself clear on healthcare and I think Obama's plan is better than McCain's. Yes, I have researched the issues. I know where the differences are. The positives outweigh the negatives in my eyes and that's why my vote is placed squarely with him.
And I said I hoped if he's elected he'll eventually move more center, not because I'd like it, because like most Democrats I probably wouldn't, it's that if he does, he'll be in office longer and perhaps get more done on the issues that matter to me personally.
I was happy to see your blog's endorsement of McCain. It's the first time I've seen any discussion of his issues, other than, he's not my favorite choice, better than the alternative, he has flaws etc, but I've only been reading this blog for a month. Perhaps you detailed his flaws before then.
Your comment about Obama "There seems to be no substance to these change claims other than he is so charismatic, well spoken, cool calm and collected" reminds me of another sweet talking candidate from the early 80's I've already discussed. Ronald Reagan. Democrats said the same thing about him. I remember. My father was one of them. Whether I agree with his political philosophies or not, was Reagan what the country needed at the time? Perhaps. Can Obama be? Perhaps. I honestly don't know, but I do know you don't have to be a war hero to be a good President of the United States.
Lula, there is no need to be defensive. I was just asking for some clarity and understanding. I don't know where you got that I assume you personally will blindly vote for him without any facts. In my comment above I believe I said just the opposite. I just said I haven't seen anyone outline the facts. With my life philosophy and experience Obama makes no sense to me. I wanted to know the reasoning of Obama supporters. You outlined it beautifully....if the environment is your passionate issue then an Obama vote makes sense. If the Iraq war and his consistent 'No' vote is important to you than an Obama vote makes sense.
My life prism is that I am from Canada. I have seen and experienced first hand the failures of universal health care. I don't want it. I fear it. My Father died many years ago and that process was one of waiting months and months before he could get in for an MRI and Cat scan to diagnose his brain tumor and then it was too late. When my mother went on her mission there were delays because it was a 3 month wait to get a simple mammogram. Even with the failures in our current system, socialized medicine is not a better choice in my mind. I have no trust of government bureaucracy and I fear socialism.
I appreciate your comments. It helps me to understand. If in fact Obama becomes our president I hope and pray as you do that he will be effective.
There is no chance in our country's purpose. I have a firm belief those who were elected to lead serve a purpose. If (and most likely when) Obama is elected, I hope the country rallies behind him and the people can begin healing from all the divisive politics. If (and it is a big IF) McCain is elected, I hope the same from the other side. And if you look at the Constitution, which I obviously reverence, it is a document of compromise. There has to be compromise, a middle ground. There are certain moral grounds that I personally won't resign on, but you have to do what is best for the country. Why did Lincoln send food and supplies to the Confederate Army during the Civil War? To preserve the nation. Let's get Tuesday over with and begin preserving the nation!
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