Thursday, November 6, 2008

Conservative v. Liberal

The ideological spectrum has crimson red and royal blue. And in the middle there lies burgundy, violet, indigo, lavender, etc. The different issues provide the different tones, tints and hues of the political prism. The concepts of conservative and liberal have become so generalized and categorical, that most people don't fit in the cookie cutter shape that we supposedly belong to. So I'd like to break down the concepts of conservative and liberal into a few categories, and hopefully it will give you an understanding of how you probably don't fit the mold, and that's ok! (Because you're good enough, you're strong enough, and gosh darn it, PEOPLE LIKE YOU! coincidence I am quoting a famous Al Franking character from SNL and we still don't know if he will be Minnesota's senator!)
Social Conservative: Traditional family values. Pro-life. Against gay marriage. Against Euthanasia. Pro-Second Ammendment. Against legalizing marijuana or prostitution. Most of those who are regular Church goers fit into this category. Stronger government involvement in preserving the traditional social values.

Fiscal Conservative: Small government. Low taxes. Low spending. Few entitlements. "Pull yourself up by your boot straps". Local and State governments should have more power. Trickle down theory of economy.
Social Liberal: Pro-gay rights. Pro-Choice. Pro-Euthanasia. Gun control. Legalizing marijuana and prostitution will help crime rates. Less government involvement in personal or 'behind closed doors' issues. "It's my choice, my life" mentality.

Fiscal Liberal: Universal health care. Universal social security. Government Entitlements. High regulations on big business. More government involvement in the economic arena.
Isn't it interesting the different roles the government plays in the minds of liberals and conservatives? Both need government for different purposes. Social conservatives need the government to 'keep the order' or 'maintain the values'. Whether through propositions, legislation, or judicial decisions. Yet, fiscal conservatives want the government out of their way, mind your own business. Social liberal's want the government to mind their own business, and stay out of their way concerning moral issues. Yet, fiscal liberals expect the government to step in when the money is tight and unable to make the free market economy work for them. I believe that the majority of the country is a shade of purple, socially conservative yet fiscally liberal. This is apparent when looking at California. How could they elect Barack Obama, yet establish marriage being between a man and a woman? They paid more attention to Obama's liberal fiscal plan and ignored his socially liberal stance on abortion, etc. So to naively say that 'conservatism is dead' is not only wrong, but as a conservative I could counter saying 'liberalism is dead' because Prop 8 passed in 3 'liberal' states, among other social issues. In a time of financial draught, the country leans fiscally liberal. In a time of financial feasting, the country leans fiscally conservative. It is a constant swing of the pendulum, depending on the country's climate. And to suggest that there is no turning back, the country is moving away from conservative principles is also ignorantly wrong. The current Republican party failed in providing true conservative leadership. What conservatives need is a true conservative. Someone who is the base, not appealing to the base. Someone who is willing to stand up for what they personally believe in, not what the Republican party wants to package them as. As for now, support our President. Let's give him a chance to make a difference, but also voice our dissent when he strays from the principles we believe in.


Jen said...

I am a Social and Fiscal Conservative. I do want to clarify one thing, yes, i want govt involvement on keeping the order and maintaining the values, but I want it mostly from state and local govt NOT from Federal govt w/the exception of the Military. I believe that different states have different needs. Most states have different environmental needs and even fiscal needs because of their different industries. There are also many different social needs ie Salt Lake City vs. San Fran. I find it irresponsible for the federal govt to make unnecessary blanket laws when different states have different needs.

Bray said...

Jen, you and I are cut from the same mould. Ditto to everything you said.

L said...

I partially agree, that it's ridiculous to think you can divide millions of people into two, or in your case 4 catergories. A true conservative may be able to run and win, just like you say Obama, a true liberal did. But once in office, will they be allowed to govern that way without paying the price politically. Remember what George Bush Sr. said to pander to his base, "Read my lips. No new taxes." What happened when he got in office though, he did. He rose taxes. And did it cost him another four years? It contributed to his demise certainly.

So once in office, are their really true liberals or conservatives? I would say cynically, no. I'm afraid the future is the middle.

okbushmans said...

I'm hopeful the future is the middle. I will sound like a broken record, but our country is compromise, middle ground. And as I've said before, we will see how Obama governs. Power also 'changes' people, especially when you have a legislature at your will. I HOPE the future is the middle.

L said...

In a previous comment I remember someone said that's probably one of the reasons Colin Powell will never run for President. Doesn't want to destroy his image as a moral compass, almost above politics as it were. He would have a hard time being a "politician". To bad, I think he'd have made a good president. I've thought that for years.

okbushmans said...

Could we possibly support the same Presidential candidate? Come on Colin, do it for the moms who love politics!

Jen said...

I am definitely curious to see how Obama runs his administration. After all, like every other president, he mostly just signs what congress brings to him.

Yesterday he sat with President Bush and received his first official briefing. I think that something happens when you get the ACTUAL PICTURE rather than the one we get which is filtered through the media. Obviously we will never know what he is briefed on, but if he ends up doing something other than what he has promied, there will probably be, well, hopefull be, good reason for that.

I am particularly curious as to how is will handle the war. Bush has gotten a lot of bad wrap, but we just don't really know what he has been up against.......